Saturday, April 13, 2013

You ever get to that place....

You ever get to that place in life where you know the next few months are going to be profound whether you want them to be or not? You look at so many others just going about their business, (not so naive to say they don't have their own issues) --- and yet, you are aware you carry along such a treasure trove of past occurrences of both profound pain and tremendous accomplishment that you dont know quite how to label yourself. You know you dont quite fit in, though you are an expert at seeming so.

But then, the label is written for you -- caste from a 120 question form that blows your mind - for every question where you say yes -- you know the normal answer would be no.... and there it is... a lifetime of accomplishment, glamour, top of class --- having survived through 20 years of captive hell - Complex PTSD? Are you kidding?  No wait, yes.... that's me... now what do I do?

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